Using data in-house

  • Postal codes
  • Street directory
  • Building data
  • Geo-data

Make the most of your data

If you wish to use raw data in your own applications, then DATAFACTORY is just the thing for you. Integrate postal codes, geo-data codes, and building data or street directories as required; realize precision planning of logistical workflows, location planning, or optimize your marketing and sales processes.


Receive all the data necessary to determine postal codes: postal codes, towns/cities and town districts, upon request.


Use the street directory to check whether postal addresses are correct and supplement them with additional information – Germany-wide.


Accurate address data on around 20 million delivery-relevant buildings in Germany – for analyses, address matching or database construction.


Geo-data at postal code, street and building level for visualization, location and route planning.


Make address input easy for you and your customers with the automatic completion of postal data.


Find, verify, and correct postal codes

DATAFACTORY Basic provides you with all the data you need to identify postal codes. Receive all the postal codes and towns/cities in Germany, as well as the districts.

As such, postal codes and towns/cities can be integrated into your systems with the correct spelling, thus allowing you to verify postal codes in your customer database or subdivide your sales areas, for example.

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Data included

  • 13,000 valid destinations
  • 76,200 district names
  • 35,200 postal codes associated with the relevant destinations, including postal codes for post office boxes, and bulk recipients
  • 11,200 names of municipalities, counties, administrative regions, and federal states with the official keys of the Federal Statistical Office (Statistisches Bundesamt)
  • Data format: txt files

Update: quarterly.

Possible uses

  • Up-to-date postal data for correcting and maintaining your customer data
  • Simple integration into your applications using compatible data formats
  • Regular updates for on-going updating and maintenance


The comprehensive and up-to-date street directory

The directory, which is based on original Deutsche Post postal data, provides access to more than 1.2 million street names. What’s more, it also contains information on postal codes, towns/cities, and municipality keys from the Federal Statistical Office.

This means that accurate postal addresses can be incorporated into your customer systems and that postal addresses throughout Germany can be checked for postal correctness, and linked to other information as early on as the collation process.

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Data included

  • More than 1.2 million street names nationwide in Germany
  • 112,000 valid destinations archived since 1970
  • 76,200 district names
  • 35,200 postal codes associated with the relevant destinations
  • 16,500 post office box number ranges with postal codes for post office boxes, destination, and delivering retail outlet
  • 11,200 names of municipalities, counties, administrative regions, and federal states with the official keys of the Federal Statistical Office
  • 7,300 bulk recipients with postal code and street address
  • 10,000 PACKSTATION data

Update: quarterly

Possible uses

  • Integration of up-to-date postal codes, towns/cities, and streets into your systems.
  • Accurate addresses via plausibility checks.


All building addresses in one database

DATAFACTORY BUILDINGS contains accurate address data on around 20 million delivery-relevant buildings in Germany, which you can turn to your advantage for the purposes of internal analysis, comparing addresses, or setting up a database system.

Each data record in Deutsche Post Direkt’s building database contains a unique building ID, information on the postal code, town/city, town district, street name, and house number. Other information such as the municipality key can be added if required.

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Data included

  • Around 21 million addresses, including house numbers
  • 1.2 million street names
  • 13,200 valid destinations
  • 76,200 district names
  • 14,700 postal codes associated with the relevant destinations

Update: quarterly


Possible uses

  • Integration of correct postal codes, towns/cities, streets, and house numbers into your systems
  • Analysis or matching of your customer addresses with building data


Take advantage of the geospatial dimension of addresses

Base planning and organizing activities on high-quality geo-data that can be integrated into your own applications for a solution tailor-made to your tasks. DATAFACTORY GEOCODE offers you coordinates at postal code, street, and building levels, and the geo-coded areas of the postal code districts in Germany.

In this way, addresses can not only be verified, but also presented geospatially on digital maps.

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Data included

  • Geographical coordinates at the postal code level reveal the central points of around 8,200 postal code delivery areas.
  • Geo-coded areas show the postal code districts in Germany, as well as the routing regions and zones.
  • Street-level geographical coordinates locate the central points of a total of approximately 1.2 million streets or sections of streets.
  • At the building level, geographical coordinates interpolated along given streets are provided for about twenty-one million delivery-relevant buildings.

Update: annually


Possible uses

  • Visualization of sales areas and market potential in your geo-information system
  • Support for your decision-making process, for example in location planning
  • Calculation of distances between locations


Automatic completion of postal data

DATAFACTORY AUTOCOMPLETE from Deutsche Post Direkt offers effective assistance with incomplete address data. As an integrated component of your own IT infrastructure, supplementing your postal data is now effortless.

As soon as you enter the first alphanumerical characters in the input field, you will receive up to 15 suggestions. A total of around 1.2 million different address suggestions are available, including all delivery-relevant streets, more than 16,000 postal codes, 14,000 names of towns/cities, 75,000 town/city district names, 7,000 POSTFILIALE DIREKT data, and 4,000 PACKSTATIONS.

Automatic completion is made possible by the street directory derived from original postal data from Deutsche Post. Interface connection and encryption make it possible to access to up-to-date postal data – quickly, securely and at any time.

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  • Simple integration into your IT systems
  • Convenient use of the interface as part of online services
  • Suggestions for combinations of postal code/town/city, and/or postal code, town/city, and street
  • Completion of postal data (of delivery-relevant streets, PACKSTATIONS, POSTFILIALE DIREKT)

You will receive suggestions for combinations of

  • postal code and town/city
  • postal code/town/city, and street

Completion of postal data:

  • Delivery-relevant streets

Benefits for you

  • Quicker and more convenient address input, e.g., for CRM teams, online shops, etc.
  • Access to the street directory based on original Deutsche Post postal data.
  • Simple integration into existing IT infrastructures or use of a web interface

Make the most of your data

If you wish to use raw data in your own applications, then DATAFACTORY is just the thing for you. Integrate postal codes, geo-data codes, and building data or street directories as required; realize precision planning of logistical workflows, location planning, or optimize your marketing and sales processes.


Receive all the data necessary to determine postal codes: postal codes, towns/cities and town districts, upon request.


Use the street directory to check whether postal addresses are correct and supplement them with additional information – Germany-wide.


Accurate address data on around 20 million delivery-relevant buildings in Germany – for analyses, address matching or database construction.


Geo-data at postal code, street and building level for visualization, location and route planning.


Make address input easy for you and your customers with the automatic completion of postal data.


Find, verify, and correct postal codes

DATAFACTORY Basic provides you with all the data you need to identify postal codes. Receive all the postal codes and towns/cities in Germany, as well as the districts.

As such, postal codes and towns/cities can be integrated into your systems with the correct spelling, thus allowing you to verify postal codes in your customer database or subdivide your sales areas, for example.

Order now

Data included

  • 13,000 valid destinations
  • 76,200 district names
  • 35,200 postal codes associated with the relevant destinations, including postal codes for post office boxes, and bulk recipients
  • 11,200 names of municipalities, counties, administrative regions, and federal states with the official keys of the Federal Statistical Office (Statistisches Bundesamt)
  • Data format: txt files

Update: quarterly.

Possible uses

  • Up-to-date postal data for correcting and maintaining your customer data
  • Simple integration into your applications using compatible data formats
  • Regular updates for on-going updating and maintenance


The comprehensive and up-to-date street directory

The directory, which is based on original Deutsche Post postal data, provides access to more than 1.2 million street names. What’s more, it also contains information on postal codes, towns/cities, and municipality keys from the Federal Statistical Office.

This means that accurate postal addresses can be incorporated into your customer systems and that postal addresses throughout Germany can be checked for postal correctness, and linked to other information as early on as the collation process.

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Data included

  • More than 1.2 million street names nationwide in Germany
  • 112,000 valid destinations archived since 1970
  • 76,200 district names
  • 35,200 postal codes associated with the relevant destinations
  • 16,500 post office box number ranges with postal codes for post office boxes, destination, and delivering retail outlet
  • 11,200 names of municipalities, counties, administrative regions, and federal states with the official keys of the Federal Statistical Office
  • 7,300 bulk recipients with postal code and street address
  • 10,000 PACKSTATION data

Update: quarterly

Possible uses

  • Integration of up-to-date postal codes, towns/cities, and streets into your systems.
  • Accurate addresses via plausibility checks.


All building addresses in one database

DATAFACTORY BUILDINGS contains accurate address data on around 20 million delivery-relevant buildings in Germany, which you can turn to your advantage for the purposes of internal analysis, comparing addresses, or setting up a database system.

Each data record in Deutsche Post Direkt’s building database contains a unique building ID, information on the postal code, town/city, town district, street name, and house number. Other information such as the municipality key can be added if required.

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Data included

  • Around 21 million addresses, including house numbers
  • 1.2 million street names
  • 13,200 valid destinations
  • 76,200 district names
  • 14,700 postal codes associated with the relevant destinations

Update: quarterly


Possible uses

  • Integration of correct postal codes, towns/cities, streets, and house numbers into your systems
  • Analysis or matching of your customer addresses with building data


Take advantage of the geospatial dimension of addresses

Base planning and organizing activities on high-quality geo-data that can be integrated into your own applications for a solution tailor-made to your tasks. DATAFACTORY GEOCODE offers you coordinates at postal code, street, and building levels, and the geo-coded areas of the postal code districts in Germany.

In this way, addresses can not only be verified, but also presented geospatially on digital maps.

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Data included

  • Geographical coordinates at the postal code level reveal the central points of around 8,200 postal code delivery areas.
  • Geo-coded areas show the postal code districts in Germany, as well as the routing regions and zones.
  • Street-level geographical coordinates locate the central points of a total of approximately 1.2 million streets or sections of streets.
  • At the building level, geographical coordinates interpolated along given streets are provided for about twenty-one million delivery-relevant buildings.

Update: annually


Possible uses

  • Visualization of sales areas and market potential in your geo-information system
  • Support for your decision-making process, for example in location planning
  • Calculation of distances between locations


Automatic completion of postal data

DATAFACTORY AUTOCOMPLETE from Deutsche Post Direkt offers effective assistance with incomplete address data. As an integrated component of your own IT infrastructure, supplementing your postal data is now effortless.

As soon as you enter the first alphanumerical characters in the input field, you will receive up to 15 suggestions. A total of around 1.2 million different address suggestions are available, including all delivery-relevant streets, more than 16,000 postal codes, 14,000 names of towns/cities, 75,000 town/city district names, 7,000 POSTFILIALE DIREKT data, and 4,000 PACKSTATIONS.

Automatic completion is made possible by the street directory derived from original postal data from Deutsche Post. Interface connection and encryption make it possible to access to up-to-date postal data – quickly, securely and at any time.

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  • Simple integration into your IT systems
  • Convenient use of the interface as part of online services
  • Suggestions for combinations of postal code/town/city, and/or postal code, town/city, and street
  • Completion of postal data (of delivery-relevant streets, PACKSTATIONS, POSTFILIALE DIREKT)

You will receive suggestions for combinations of

  • postal code and town/city
  • postal code/town/city, and street

Completion of postal data:

  • Delivery-relevant streets

Benefits for you

  • Quicker and more convenient address input, e.g., for CRM teams, online shops, etc.
  • Access to the street directory based on original Deutsche Post postal data.
  • Simple integration into existing IT infrastructures or use of a web interface

Do you have any questions about our address solutions?

Here you can contact us.