Test comparison: Check the quality of your customer addresses free of charge

Would you like to test the quality of your customer data – at no obligation?


If so, we have just the right thing for you: the test comparison. This free check is provided to you in the form of a graphically enhanced overview of the criteria examined, the updating potential and the costs you would incur for cleansing and updating your private customer or prospective customer addresses. There is no entailed obligation to order the service.

So why not register, upload your address data and run a test comparison.

Click here to register.




Are you already an ADDRESSFACTORY WEB customer?


In that case, you can benefit from maximum security in your planning straight away: Upload your private customer or prospective customer addresses and let us carry out an initial test comparison free of charge.

Only when you have accepted the results of the test comparison will you be able to download the cleansed address data and receive a bill for cleansing and updating.

Click here to visit ADDRESSFACTORY WEB.